In this weeks episode the boys recap their trip to Ocean Atlantic City, they witness a murder at the Cooz, and Danny Ocean finds his soulmate at the craps table. They finish up with a new segment called “Weird Bet Of the Week” and go over Chenz’s upcoming trip to Macau.
Episode Details:
- Ocean Atlantic City Trip Review
- Stop at Harrahs
- Chef Volas
- Murder at the Cooz
- Harpers Breakfast
- Harrahs for Small, Tall, All
- Delusional Uber Driver
- Sportsbook Sunday
- Heidi Hand Pay
- Tales from the Craps Table
- Danny Ocean Finds his Soulmate
- Danny Ocean Hits Women
- Second Trip to Ocean
- Harrahs Gift Gala
- Dinner at Gordon Ramseys
- ATM for $10 – YEEEESH
- Podcast Superiority Pool Update/NFL Bettting
- Weird Bet of the Week – (Promo Code: SevenOut)
- Five Days to Macau
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